Bubble art & community at heart with Reama

A Burst of Creativity

Imagine walking into a place where creativity bursts from every corner, and the simple act of painting with bubbles has blossomed into a full-fledged movement. This isn’t just any store; this is Spread Supplies, nestled in the heart of the Charleston Business District and the brainchild of the ever-inspiring Reama Bubblez.

The Genesis of Spread Supplies

Back in 2018, Reama began her unique journey with bubble painting. However, she soon realized the challenges of sourcing affordable art supplies. "I thought, there’s got to be another option," she tells me, her eyes light with the passion that sparked the creation of Spread Supplies. It wasn't just about finding another store; it was about creating a sanctuary for art and community, which led to the birth of this eclectic art supply store.

The store isn't just a place to buy supplies; it's a creator's haven, featuring ingenious installations from the BubbleDOME (TM) where bubble machines paint on canvases, creating art that’s as spontaneous as it is mesmerizing.

Sustainability in Action

This canvas is ready for it’s glow up!

Reama's enthusiasm for sustainability shines particularly bright when she discusses how Spread Supplies encourages artists to rethink the lifecycle of their art materials. "When you purchase GESSO from us, you get a free canvas that's ready to be transformed into a new masterpiece," Reama explains, her eyes lighting up. This practice not only supports her mission to make art more accessible but also embodies her belief in abundance—that there is enough in the world, and it's our responsibility to reuse it effectively.

This little shop just earned the Earth Day Award from Kitsap County this year! They give it to businesses around Kitsap that are all about environmental awareness.

Only six awards were handed out this year, so it really feels like something awesome is happening here.

A Community Hub Reimagined

Where community updates meet creative calls—everyone's invited!

But Spread Supplies is more than just a store; it’s a community hub. Previously a meeting space for AA for over twenty years, Reama transformed it into a lively and welcoming art supply hub. "Transforming it was really fun," she remarks with a smile, reflecting her love for reusing and repurposing the furniture that fills the store.

Reama shows off the shop’s repurposed furniture.

Deep Roots in Bremerton

Here, amidst the quiet hum of the shipyard and the rhythm of the ferries, she's made a home. Bremerton, with its intimate community and spirited parades, isn't just a backdrop for Reama's creative endeavors; it's a vital part of her narrative,

"Everything I want is right here," she says smiling. “It’s so towny!” It was the St. Patty’s parade that sealed her love for Bremerton’s tight-knit community vibe, a stark contrast to the hustle and tension of bigger, neighboring cities like Seattle where Reama once called home.

Community is at the heart of everything Reama does. "People have abundance. We know that socially," she reflects, emphasizing how the community continually supports her vision. This ideal is reflected in her pricing policy too; making art accessible to everyone is a cornerstone of her philosophy.

Community donations keep the gently used section full of color and life.

There’s even a space in the shop where you can try out the supplies to see if you like them.

Overcoming Challenges and Looking Forward

However, challenges like spreading the word about Spread Supplies have been hard to overcome. Social media helps but isn't sufficiently reaching enough people. Reama believes in the power of word-of-mouth to build connections and enrich her community outreach (here’s your sign to go tell your friends about Spread Supplies. 😉). Looking towards the future, Reama is excited about a new art installation at the Seattle Art Center and the co-creation of more community spaces.

A Beacon of Creativity and Connection

In every corner of Spread Supplies, from the used section bursting with treasures waiting to be re-discovered to the plans for a pride-themed mural, Reama's ethos of inclusivity and community shines brightly. It’s a place where anyone can feel welcome and inspired, a beacon of creativity and connection in Bremerton.

As Reama puts it, "I want people to know that this is a co-created space. I am doing my best to bring this to the community, and I am loving everything that they are bringing back."

As I leave the colorful surroundings of Spread Supplies, I carry with me not just a story of an art store but a narrative of a woman who builds community through creativity, one bubble at a time. When I asked Reama what advice she had to pass along, she said this : “Build the community that serves you. When you start with yourself, you feed yourself. A lot of times, feeding yourself feels selfish especially as women, but it’s essential.”

Reama invites you to join her at the upcoming anniversary party on 06/01/2024 from 6pm - 8pm, complete with a DJ and a community potluck, symbolizing the collective spirit that defines Spread Supplies.


Facebook: spreadsupplies
Instagram: spreadsupplies


Shout out to CBD for being so awesome - check out their Facebook here for more community info.


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